Hay muchas cosas que todavía no sé sobre los blogs, sobretodo la parte técnica y aquello que se puede escribir, mencionar o utilizar sin sentir que le estoy "robando" algo a alguien. Por ejemplo, me encantaría saber cómo se hace para poner en una entrada el nombre de un blog que me gusta y que al hacer clic con el mouse, me lleve directo a ese blog. Entonces, como no sé hacerlo no menciono a nadie y la verdad me siento limitada. También me da "cosa" mencionar otros blogs que adoro porque no sé si a sus dueñas les gustará aparecer mencionadas en el mío ( que no tiene más que un seguidor: yo!). En fin, todo esto me daba vueltas en la cabeza hasta ayer. Hoy quiero que todos sepan (aunque nadie me siga) que en el margen izquierdo de mi blog tengo una lista de los lugares que visito frecuentemente, que fueron cariñosamente agregados a medida que los descubría, que admiro a cada una de las mujeres creativas, entusiastas, luchadoras, optimistas que tienen la generosidad de compartir un poco de sí mismas con todos nosotros.
Ustedes traen más color y alegría a mi vida diaria
Attic 24
Cherry Menlove
... para ser vivida!!!
con cariño
ResponderEliminarThank you so much for including me/my blog as one of your favourite places to visit. It is really an honour and I am humbled.
I want to share with you, that it was 6 months before I got my very first follower and the comments on my blog were very slow. I think it was in my 5th month of blogging that the comments starting coming. Blogging does start of very slow for some of us. Other people are lucky and gather followers and readers within weeks of blogging. So please be patient, the followers will come. Also remember blogging is for you x
Re: technical stuff, it was all new to me. It will get easier the more you blog. I am not that good either, and its really hard to explain (easy to show) but to your question about linking. When you write your blog post. Open another tab that you want to copy. Cut and paste the http that you want. Then go back to your post edit page and go over the words you wand to link. At the top where you have options for font, spell check, you will also see link. Click on the link then paste your http. That should do it. I hope this helps, but showing is much easier.
Warme wishes
Thank you so much Shaheen! I write since I was 14 years and I think my blog is an extension of that. My initial intention was make a blog to show my knitting and improve the sell but now... well, I'm looking for a part time job despite "I am a free bird" and I don't like to work in an office( I did in the past)but the economic situation is difficult here. So, again thanks for your lovely comments and advices, I will keep them in my heart.
ResponderEliminarGlad to have a blog